A small exhibition of student work in Bratislava

On 22 February 2024, a small exhibition of student work was inaugurated in the hall of the STU Faculty of Architecture in Bratislava. The exhibition presented the results of work carried out over the last few years on the theme of urban regeneration: the question of industrial heritage and its conversion was addressed. Are the reuse of disused buildings and their adaptation to our daily lives not a first step towards a sustainable future?

Brno: an industrial city under reconstruction

The touring exhibition is accompanied by one on display in Brno’s Alfa-Passage, a shopping centre completed in 1932 in the functionalist style. It brings together the work of students from VUT Brno who are interested in the theme of revitalising derelict industrial sites in their city.

Dreaming your city: Brest and Dresden

This exhibition, on show in Brest in summer 2023, presents the work of students from the Collège de Penn ar C’hleuz in Brest and the Evangelisches Kreuzgymnasium in Dresden on the theme of the city of their dreams. With their paintings, drawings, collages and digital illustrations, these young artists invite us to explore their unique vision of architecture, town planning and the urban environment. Their creations reflect their dreams and aspirations, but also their understanding of the social and environmental issues shaping our modern cities.

Exhibition in Brest
Exhibition in Brest
Exhibition in Brest
Exhibition in Brest

Reinventing the town of Brest

This exhibition presents the work carried out by students as part of a university exchange
programme between the Institute of Geoarchitecture from the University of Western Brittany in Brest, the Faculty of Architecture from the Technical University of Dresden and the Faculty of Architecture from the University of Technology in Brno. The thinking undertaken helped to initiate the transdisciplinary project Res Urbanae on the theme of cities under reconstruction.

The exhibition opened in January 2023 in the Maison des Projets in Brest.

Students from the three universities visited Brest and Dresden in order to measure the architectural and urban planning challenges facing these cities. The poster boards and 3D models on display provide a comparative history of Brest and Dresden over time, highlighting similarities in their histories and their architectural and urban development. They also illustrate possible redevelopment projects for the former Pontaniou prison, situated in the Recouvrance district of Brest, in resonance with the Carré des Arts (the building which houses Brest’s Art school). The reconfiguration of the courtyards in the rebuilt city centre raises questions about the possibilities for urban renewal in the heart of Brest’s conurbation.

This work, which is exploratory in nature, responds to the initiatives put into place by the
municipality of Brest and its urban agglomeration. These studies reveal the extent of Brest’s
development potential in its ongoing reconstruction process.

Exhibition at the Maison des Projets. You can see posters and models of Brest.
Exhibition at the Maison des Projets
Exhibition at the Maison des Projets
Posters of the students of the VUT in Brno about the former Pontainou prison
Posters of the students of the VUT in Brno about the former Pontaniou prison

Model of Brest 2022